Luck is a fickle entity. Sometimes it clings on to you like cyanoacryate to nonporus surfaces, at other times it forsakes you completely leaving you an idiot at whatever you do regardless of your skills, abilities or intelligence. Last week was a perfect example of the latter.
Crappy booster packs, opponent ownage at games, tennis linesmanning in harsh weather that left a semipermanent singlet tattoo across the torso. And you thought army consisted only of charging up and down hills with sbo, helmet and rifle. Okay, so luck was with me at the crucial point of unit posting. Nevertheless, it was still a screwed up week compared to the previous weeks.
Luck can be conquered though. With abnormally high levels of skills, abilities and intelligence, one can effortlessly circumvent bad luck to do things beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans. In short, one becomes God.
For who is God but an ordinary human;
He is only God when He does things humans cannot.
- To Man-Chat, Initial D
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Aug 20, 2005 - 6:31 am